Circadia's SWiCH™ • Book Below
All the benefits of a chemical peel without the damage or downtime! This unique alternative to a chemical peel redefines how we treat mature skin. SWiCH™ takes advantage of the skin's natural repair mechanism to help
restore its optimal appearance without injury. This treatment improves the look and feel of aging skin.
This treatment is for clients who are ready to invest in healthier, more youthful skin.
*During checkout you can choose to purchase one SWiCH™ session or unlock savings by purchasing a package. Purchasing a package will give you optimal results.

Downtime: Little to none! Some minor flakiness can rarely occur.​
Who is perfect for SWiCH™ Anyone who is 37 and older who wants fewer wrinkles, better texture and elasticity, less hyperpigmentation (dark spots)
Activates the body’s natural repair and renewal system
Initiates increased cell-to-cell communication
Promotes healing and immune defense
Supports the skin's increased energy production
Brightens skin and reduces pigmentation
Safe and Gentle
Little to no downtime after treatment
Aftercare products included
20% off all skincare if purchased at any SWiCH™ appointment​
Allergy to aspirin or salicylates
Allergy to citric acid of any kind: oranges, lemons, grapefruit, etc.
Anyone who is highly allergic
Pregnant or trying to become pregnant
Use of Accutane within one year
Use of antibiotics (topical or systemic) in the last 2 weeks
Laser Treatments within the last 12 weeks
Using prescription retinols, retinoids, tretinoin, Retin A, or Renova in the last 4 weeks.
Use of glycolic acid products in the last 4 weeks.
Face Lift or other Cosmetic Surgery within 6 months
Chemical peel within the last 8 weeks
Laser herpetic outbreak
If purchasing a package, each SWiCH™ appointment will be scheduled two weeks apart in the following order:
Custom Prep Facial to exfoliate and prepare your skin to get the most of your SWiCH™ treatments
SWiCH™ appointment #1
SWiCH™ appointment #2
SWiCH™ appointment #3
Finalizing Facial to nourish and protect your investment
*You'll receive 20% off all skincare products if purchased during any SWiCH™ appointment! These products will be recommended based on your specific needs. All products will be shipped directly to your home. Free shipping on any purchase over $150.​
*During checkout you can choose to purchase one SWiCH™ session or unlock savings by purchasing a package.